This function generates a table of survival estimates for introduced individuals after introduction. These estimates average over individuals, and over primary periods within years, so that the values are comparable among sites with one or multiple introduced cohorts, and a variable number of primary periods per year.

survival_table(model, by_cohort = TRUE, by_individual = FALSE)



A model objectgenerated by mrmr:fit_model().


(bool) Whether to summarize survival separately by cohort.


(bool) Whether to summarize survival separately by frog.


A data.frame with columns year_since_introduction, lo_survival, med_survival, and hi_survival, where lo, med, and hi represent the 2.5 for survival in the years following introduction.


if (FALSE) { captures <- system.file("extdata", "capture-example.csv", package = "mrmr") translocations <- system.file("extdata", "translocation-example.csv", package = "mrmr") surveys <- system.file("extdata", "survey-example.csv", package = "mrmr") out <- clean_data(captures, translocations, surveys) model <- fit_model(out, chains = 1, iter = 10) survival_table(model) }